Forschen, Bauen, Staunen von A bis Z
(Exploring, building, amazing from A to Z)
In each of the 26 volumes of this series there are more than 80 photos and informative texts with special ideas and step-by-step instructions for do-it-yourself works for one, two or more children.
The series was awarded by Stiftung Buchkunst as
‘The most beautiful book 2014’
Idea, concept and text: Anke M. Leitzgen, design:
Gesine Grotrian,
photos: Thekla Ehling, Petra Stockhausen
Beltz & Gelberg, Weinheim, 2014
26 paperbacks, 14.9 x 19 cm each, 56 pages each,
colour and b/w ills., German, Euro 7.95 each, ISBN all volumes: 978-3-407-75406-6