With the series Summer Heart, the Cologne photographer keeps pace with the growing up of her children and there friends. She documents situations and moods and the viewers find themselves entangled in connotations and memories of their own childhoods.
Ehling’s pictures often show moments of isolation, in which a young spirit seems to regard itself as if in a trance. There are preoccupied looks, evidently comparing a current event with one already experienced. The question of how far each mechanism of the subconscious connects to the discovery of individual identity is deliberately left open by Ehling. One sees in the series that, long ago, the photographer internalised the specific premises of family photography. She herself names the two Dutch portrait photographers Hellen van Meene and Rineke Dijkstra as references.
Author: Christoph Schaden
Selected title German Photo Book Award 2009
Hardcover 23 x 30,5 cm 72 pages 51 color and 4 b/w ills. German/English available
ISBN 978-3-86828-035-7
48 Euro
published 2008

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ThePhotobookMuseum /V8, Cologne

Galerie Robert Morat, Hamburg
Kunstverein Grafschaft Bentheim