
WeltimUmbruch17_Programmheft_Screen-1World in Transition ’17 – exhibition and  workshops
24.6. – 16.7.2017 daily 14:00 – 20:00 h

„World in Transition” is a mobile and participatory exhibition and arts education project of The PhotoBookMuseum, based in Cologne, in cooperation with the art foundation Montag Stiftung Kunst und Gesellschaft, based in Bonn. It opens up new perspectives on the global transitions of our time by the media of photobooks and photography. Globalisation and migration, digitisation, climate change or new forms of economic and political crises have an impact on most people. Public perception of these radical transitional processes is often somewhat limited. News photography as well as images in social media channels tend to remain on the surface not looking at causes and consequences of these complex global processes. The condensed photography of photobooks, on the other hand, can provide a more multi-facetted vista.

Lisa Barnard, Olaf Otto Becker, Peter Bialobrzeski, Ad van Denderen, Andrea Diefenbach, Carolyn Drake, Marina Gadonneix, Gabriele Galimberti, Yves Gellie, Julian Germain, Jacqueline Hassink, Pieter Hugo, Kadir van Lohuizen, Mark Power, Julian Röder, Emine Gözde Sevim, Carlos Spottorno, Lars Tunbjörk, Henk Wildschut, Paolo Woods und Xu Yong.


Photo: from The Heavens von Paolo Woods & Gabriele Galimberti